One Direction’s Liam Payne took to Twitter to talk to fans about the smoking video that recently surfaced. The video of Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson smoking has upset fans, and some people have even burned or sold their upcoming One Direction concert tour tickets.
Liam posted the following notes:
“I love my boys and maybe things have gone a little sideways I apologise for that. We are only in our 20′s we all do stupid things at this age.”
“We all have a lot of growing up to do in an extreme circumstance I’m not making excuse but it’s fact we are gunna fall short somewhere.”
“Hopefully we stand the test of time an get it right in the end I don’t take this for granted and I’m extremely grateful to be here doing this.”
“Thank you to everyone who has stuck with us through this just know that we love you guys for it and it means the world.”
Are you still just as in love with One Direction as ever? Or did the video hurt your thoughts about the group?
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